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Nonprofit Coffee Company Fights Human Trafficking, Sex Slavery

a 2nd cup coffee houston logo

A Houston woman who first took an outraged interest in human trafficking and modern day sex slavery as part of a church outreach movement has opened a nonprofit coffee company.

Erica Raggett led the creation of A 2nd Cup coffee shop, which opened its doors in June in Houston’s The Heights neighborhood. The volunteer-run coffee shop has numerous partners — including  Free the CaptivesChildren at Risk and Freedom Place

 — and works to serve great coffee, all while helping raise awareness about the surprisingly high incidence of human trafficking, usually for sex-related purposes, in Houston and beyond.

The company hopes to use its funds for after-care programs for children and young adults who have been victimized by human trafficking, either as sex workers or as child soldiers. The current storefront is serving as an incubator location, while the company hopes to raise $220,000 to launch a larger retail operation next year.
