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Some 24,700 bags of arabica coffee are back on the grid after temporarily losing their deliverable status with ICE Futures U.S. following damage to a storage warehouse sustained during Hurricane Sandy.
According to a recent Reuters report
, a cocoa warehouse in Kearney, N.J., suffered significant water damage when the hurricane hit last fall, causing the existing bags of beans to be flagged and halting more shipments from or deliveries to the facilities.
Here’s more from Reuters:
The coffee was flagged on Nov. 16, 2012, after the building sustained water damage from the hurricane.
The deliverable status of the coffee was restored after the Board of Coffee Graders examined samples for signs of mold, odors or other conditions that could have been caused by the water damage that the warehouse sustained, ICE said.
Nick Brown
Nick Brown is the editor of Daily Coffee News by Roast Magazine.