Roast Magazine’s Kelsey Mutter just got back from Colombia, where she was one in a lucky bunch to attend the 4th annual Cupping Extravaganza at Hacienda El Roble in Bucaramanga.
Hosted by Bogota-based Virmax (originally based in the UK), the event brought together coffee professionals from throughout the world to cup a remarkable 40-plus coffees over two days, all harvested from among Hacienda El Roble’s 70-plus varieties on 300 hectares. The coffees included a range of Caturras, Castillas, Bourbons, Geishas, and even two high-scoring classified coffees that were given generic codes. The coffees will be made available through an April 8 auction presented by Stoneworks.
While cupping was the main event, guests were also given tours of the farm and the processing facilities, as well a remarkably lovely “coffee garden.”
All photos by Kelsey Mutter.

The Cupping Extravaganza 2014 cuppers – from left to right, Kelsey Mutter, Badi Bradley, Geoff Woodley, Fred Lullfitz, Fernando Gómez Cruz, Leon Holdsworth, Josh Hydeman, Peter Dupont, Grant Tenille, Jin Ho Yang, Kim Ionescu. Sarah Bouldin.

Geoff Woodley from Detour Coffee, Josh from Heart and Fernando Gómez Cruz make their way around the cupping table
Nick Brown
Nick Brown is the editor of Daily Coffee News by Roast Magazine.