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Say Hello to the 2016 US Barista, Brewing and Roasting Champions

The United States has three new U.S. coffee champions following three days of competitions coinciding with the annual Specialty Coffee Association of America Event

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at the World Congress Center in Atlanta, Ga.

Longtime barista competitor Lemuel Butler of Counter Culture Coffee has won the United States Barista Championship in his first USBC finals routine; Todd Goldsworthy of Klatch Coffee

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has won his second U.S. Brewers Cup championship (2014 was the other); and Tony Querio of Spyhouse Coffee has won the U.S. Roasters Championship.

Here are the complete standings of all three events, featuring an immensity of coffee talent.

2016 U.S. Barista Championship Standings

Lemuel Butler US barista champion

Lemuel Butler of Counter Culture Coffee accepting the US Barista Championship trophy. Daily Coffee News photo.

1st Place: Lemuel Butler — Counter Culture Coffee

2nd Place: Andrea Allen, Onyx Coffee Lab

3rd Place: Devin Chapman, La Colombe Coffee Roasters

4th Place: Samuel Lewontin, Everyman Espresso

5th Place: Trevor Corlett, Madcap Coffee

6th Place: Sam Schroeder, Olympia Coffee Roasting Co.

2016 U.S. Brewers Cup Standings

Barista Guild of America Photo.

Barista Guild of America Photo.

1st Place: Todd Goldsworthy — Klatch Coffee

2nd Place: James Tooill — La Colombe Coffee

3rd Place: Alexander Choppin, Olympia Coffee Roasting Co.

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4th Place: Blair Smith, Augie’s Coffee

5th Place: Erich Rosenberg, Novo Coffee

6th Place: Justin Goodhart, Sweet Bloom Coffee Roasters 

2016 U.S. Roaster Championship Standings

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Querio pictured with Noah Namowicz (left) and Piero Cristiani (right) of Cafe Imports. Daily Coffee News photo.

1st PlaceTony Querio — Spyhouse Coffee

2nd Place: Kyle Belinger — Neat Coffee

3rd Place: Eric Stone — Mudhouse Coffee Roasters

4th Place: Austin Amento — Augie’s Coffee

5th Place: Brandon Despain — Caffe Ibis

6th Place: James Spano — Cup to Cup Coffee Roasters
