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Unpacking Coffee with Kandace and Ray: Coava Coffee Roasters

coava coffee

In this week’s episode of Unpacking Coffee, Kandace and Ray look across the Willamette River from their home base in Portland, Ore., to Coava Coffee Roasters, which was founded in the garage of Matt Higgins eight years ago and has since expanded with two retail shops and wholesale accounts throughout the United States.

Coava is one of a small handful of U.S. roasters whose bags are put forth with metric measurements — it’s 250-gram bags equalling 8.81 ounces — which the company says maximizes efficiency in the roasting production process, as commercial roaster capacities are measured in kilograms.

Kandace and Ray chat with Paul Read of the Savor Brands Package and Print House in Honolulu, Hawaii, about the Coava bag and other recent coffee packaging trends, such as box-bottom bags for retail display.

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Unpacking Coffee is a weekly show discovering new coffee roasters one episode at a time led by Kandace and Ray of the Portland-based studio Needmore Designs, which specializes in coffee, wine and lifestyle brands.


1 Comment

oscar Daza Bautista

Es muy maravilloso para nosotros saber que nuestro café lo estén procesando personas que también se esfuerzan cada día por satisfacer los consumidores

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