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Wolthers America and Dutch Douqué Group Join for Wolthers Douqué

Two longtime specialty green coffee buying and distribution companies are joining forces to expand their business operations in markets throughout North America, Europe and Asia.

wolthers douqueWolthers America, led by Christian Wolthers, and The Netherlands-based Douqué, have created Wolthers Douqué

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We are certain that this collaboration will enhance the services we provide to our clients,” the companies said in a joint announcement. 

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Wolthers Douqué will now source and distribute multiple origins  — including the Central and South Americas, Indonesia and East Africa — while remaining the exclusive partner of Nucoffee, which distributes Brazilian coffees to the United States.

Wolthers Douqué will be an exclusive representative of the Douqué-owned Mild Coffee Company in Huila, Colombia. Key staff for Wolthers Douqué will include Christian Wolthers as president and CEO, Alan Odom as VP of sales, Henny Ossendrijver as CFO, Roberta Vieira as controller and Patricia Abrahao for logistics and commercial Support. Wolthers says lll contracts under Wolthers America Inc. will flow to Wolthers Douqué LLC.

(more: Café Imports to Open European Office Led by Gabriel Dunn)
