The International Women’s Coffee Alliance
(IWCA) has signed memoranda of understanding with the nonprofit Alliance for Coffee Excellence (ACE) and its sibling nonprofit organization Cup of Excellence (COE).
Both MOUs among the largely producer-focused organizations are designed to help women achieve greater financial success and empowerment within the coffee industry. The MOUs were signed today by ACE Executive Director Darrin Daniel and recently appointed IWCA Executive Director
Sarada Krishnan as part of the IWCA 2021 Virtual Convention.
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An in announcement released prior to the signing, Krishnan stated, “I am very excited about this partnership between IWCA and ACE/COE which will provide opportunities for our women producers through both training and market access, leading to higher income generation while also providing unique coffees for the consumers.”
The IWCA, which works to build networks and empower women throughout the supply chain while promoting the sale of coffees grown by its members, currently has 27 country chapters, including recently the United States.
The nonprofits say the first order of business tied to the MOU will be the identification and promotion of coffees grown by IWCA members that win the prestigious Cup of Excellence green coffee quality competition. Auctions tied to the COE competitions — which are being held with in-country partners in 12 coffee-producing countries in 2021 — routinely fetch premium prices at international auctions.
In addition to COE and other auction-related promotions, the partnership between the nonprofits is expected to lead to collaborations in training, education and “other relevant projects designed to advance technical skills and sensory education among women in the coffee industry,” according to a press release from ACE.