For many coffee lovers, including devotees of the Aeropress brewer, the elixir is a social one, best enjoyed with company. And while it has always been possible to share coffee brewed on an Aeropress, the brewer is fundamentally designed for single cup applications.
A new device called the 2Pour
, which has just passed the threshold of its Kickstarter funding round, addresses this by providing a platform for pressing down on an Aeropress and, like a dual-spouted portfilter, neatly directing its brew into two separate, equal portions.
In order to mold the internal plastic surface in just the right way for an even division and flow and a tidy drip from the spout, British inventor Andrew Eaves brought in experts in the field of fluid dynamics.
“We tested a number of designs before finding and happily settling on the product you see in the pictures,” Eaves told Daily Coffee News. “This final product we are extremely happy with, in terms of functionality and aesthetics.”
Emerging from the company’s Manchester, UK-based design studio, the 2Pour aims to alleviate the nuisance of grinding and preparing two brews in succession in order to enjoy Aeropress coffee with company. Eaves also contends that the 2Pour is more ideal than brewing into a spouted vessel such as a measuring cup or milk steaming pitcher, and then pouring two cups from there.
“Well, firstly, when I found this problem brewing for two, I didn’t and still don’t have that device in my kitchen,” said Eaves. “There is an argument that it will cool your coffee if you let it settle in another chamber. Of course you could heat it up, but then we are detracting from what the Aeropress is: Simple and quick.”
Eaves said the brew remains fresh and hot as it only spends a second or two on its way down through the 2Pour. The company also provides its own double-strength Aeropress recipe for brewing a concentrate splittable into two full-flavored cups with the addition of a bit more water in each cup at the end.
Having conquered the Aeropress’s singularity issue, some might say the brewer’s only functional problem still remaining is that its dimensions and the force required to press it are incompatible with smaller cups or the paper cups found in hospitality settings. In those scenarios, a “1Pour” might come very much in handy.
“We were asked by a Japanese customer for the same,” Eaves said of this concept. However, the inventor said that as the niche market for the 2Pour is already admittedly small, to refine the idea further to a 1Pour might make it even smaller.
“If I could design something simple as an addition for the 2Pour, then it would reduce tooling costs and price,” said Eaves. “That could be feasible. Never say never.”
At any rate, with the long road of manufacturing ahead prior to delivery of the 2Pour to backers, Eaves is currently more focused on that than on any other ideas for later development.
“This may spawn another product, or not, but it’s only fair that I get this to the people who backed it first,” said Eaves. “I really struggle to understand the many Kickstarter campaigns that once successful, seem to delay and extend their timelines.”
The 2Pour is slated for delivery to backers by September 2018, after which it is projected to enter retail channels at a recommended price of $22.99 USD.
Howard Bryman
Howard Bryman is the associate editor of Daily Coffee News by Roast Magazine. He is based in Portland, Oregon.
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As much as I love my aeropress, my main reason for switching to pour over was because the aeropress is incapable of making more than a small mug of coffee, I can’t imagine trying to satisfy two coffee drinkers from one press.
Here’s an idea, spend $7 more and buy a second aeropress and spend 30 seconds more brewing two legitimate cups of coffee at once rather than trying brew some extra strong concentrate crap that will be MUCH harder to get consistent results from.
Yes, to the need of this, however, thru the past few years? My wipe and I make one larger (10oz) cup and divide it into two smaller preheated cups. We then take turns making the next inevitable half cup. This gives really fresh brewed coffee for us always. Just our solution.
For years I’ve been able to brew a rather large cup of concentrated “syrup” with the Aeropress… then dilute it with hot water out of the kettle to drinking strength. When making for two, which sometimes happens, brew the strong syrup, dosed for the total final volume in both cups, into one of them. eyeball split into two for drinking, then “bypass” brew with hot water from the kettle once the “syrup” is split.
Its all about the dosing, grind, time, water temp, agitation….. there IS no loss of quality, and no “crappy” concentrate going crazy.
I’ve even used a tiny .35 litre Budom French press and done the same thing. brew a concentrate, dosed for the total final volume in however many cups will be served, into one cup, they eyeball split, finish with the bypass. Or once pressed, split the brewed “syrup” into two serving mugs, then bypass. Work the five variables, think a bit outside the standard box, and you’ll be amazed. Why buy and carry one more gadget? I bring my kit along when boating, cycle camping, etc, and so one small lightweight brewer, unbreakable (get the Bodum shatterproof beaker press), bring a GOOD grinder (I use an antique Dutch DeVe from about 1960, its as accurate and consistent as my Baratza Sette, costs and weighs a fraction, needs no current bush) Great coffee anywhere, portable…. quick….. tasty……..