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Looking Back at Let’s Talk Coffee 2014 in Panama (Photo Gallery)

Phil Beattie (Dillanos Coffee) and Stephen Vick (Blue Bottle Coffee) present ‘rub beards’ and prevent an award at the Harvee Awards

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Phil Beattie (Dillanos Coffee) and Stephen Vick (Blue Bottle Coffee) rub beards and prevent a Harvee Award

The 12th Let’s Talk Coffee, the supply-focused event put forth by Sustainable Harvest, came and went last week in Panama. Roast Magazine was proud to be a media sponsor of this year’s event, which as usual brought together an incredibly diverse group of some of the best minds in coffee to focus on all things related to sustainability and quality as it touches every step of the supply chain.

We will most likely be publishing numerous stories that grew out of this year’s Let’s Talk Coffee in the coming months. But for now, the next best thing to being there is seeing there, so here we give you Let’s Talk Coffee 2014 in photos:

(all photos courtesy of Sustainable Harvest)
