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UK Company Creates Small Business Guide for Café Owners

coffee shop

Make It Cheaper, a London-based company that works with small business to help reduce energy, insurance and telecom costs, has created a free resource for small coffee businesses called “The Ultimate Café Owners Guide: Tips For Running a Successful Café.”

While the company is naturally trying to connect with small business to further its own goals, the guide itself may provide some interesting, if somewhat generalized, information for independent coffee shop and café owners at all levels — from those in the initial planning stages to those with years of trial-and-error experience in ownership and management. Of course in business, as in most of life, experience is the most effective teacher, but if you’re endeavoring to venture into the business world anew, there is no such thing as too much information.

Make It Cheaper’s Hannah Corbett told Daily Coffee News that all the content for the instructional guide was researched in-house, and that coffee was a particular focus because cafés and coffee shops in many ways epitomize the spirit of independent, enterprising small business. They also happen to be popping up in the UK with astounding frequency.

Said Corbett, “We figured that anything applicable to businesses in general was going to be too broad to be of any real use to anyone, which is why this particular piece focuses on cafes specifically.”

You can see the complete guide here

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