The 2019 Guatemala Cup of Excellence, produced by Anacafé and the Alliance for Coffee Excellence. All photos courtesy of the Alliance for Coffee Excellence.
Three green coffee microlots scored 90+ at the 2019 Guatemala Cup of Excellence quality competition, which concluded last week in Guatemala City.
All 20 coffees that scored 87+ after rigorous cupping rounds capped off by results from an international jury will be headed to the Cup of Excellence Guatemala auction, taking place Thursday, July 25.
In addition, as many as 18 lots that scored 85-87 will be heading to the CoE’s National Winners auction, which will take place from Monday, July 22, to Friday, July 26. That auction is optional to participating producers. The in-country partner for the Guatemala CoE, producer association Anacafé, has set the opening price for coffees scoring between 85 and 85.99 at USD$3.50 per pound, while coffees between 86 and 86.99 will start at $4 per pound.
“These coffees are as good and often much better than the everyday specialty coffees that are being bought through typical premium contracts and direct trade relationships,” CoE organizer the Alliance for Coffee Excellence, which has coordinated 16 CoE competitions and auctions in Guatemala over the past two decades, said in an announcement following the competition. “They have already been vetted for quality and are secure in the COE bonded warehouse.”
Coffees at the very top of the CoE competition, however, often receive huge quality premiums from competitive buyers from all over the world. In Guatemala last year, for example, the nearly 40,000 pounds of coffee sold from the 34 CoE winning lots fetched an average of $13.33 per pound. A washed Gesha from the farm La Reforma earned the highest per pound bid at $60.00 per pound.
This year, the farm Las Macadamias in Huehuetenango took first place in the competition with a natural-process Pacamara that scored 90.16. The farm Kalibus la Sierra in the El Progreso region took second with a washed-process Gesha that scored 90.14, while a washed-process Pacamara from the producer group Finca El Injerto took third place with a score of 90.03.
In addition to the July 25 Guatemala auction, upcoming CoE auctions include Honduras (July 11), Costa Rica
(July 18) and Mexico (August 8).
Nick Brown
Nick Brown is the editor of Daily Coffee News by Roast Magazine.
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